About usThe Write Stuff for Kids Inc. was organized in 2002 to help students in Clinton, Ill., with the basic supplies they need to start school.
Donations from our residents, churches, organizations and business community make our work possible. The Clinton Kiwanis Club has been with us every year to pack supplies and the Angel Tree Tree/Samaritan Room is our partner in providing gym shoes to children. NewsAug. 10, 2024 | Today we provided school supplies and backpacks to more than 300 kids. This fulfills our mission to make sure kids have what they need on the first day of school.
We were overwhelmed with the number of volunteers who helped Friday and Saturday to pack and distribute the supplies that filled the Clinton Junior High cafeteria. Several families were represented by multiple generations – grandparents, kids and grandkids—all coming out to help the kids in our community. We thank the Clinton Rotary for providing member Tim Holl and 800 spiral notebooks, and ReMax Choice for backpacks and veteran volunteer Ruth Vogel. Our corporate donors, including Constellation Energy-Clinton Power Station, make it possible to purchase the supplies for distribution and teachers in the classroom during the school year. Ongoing support from residents, churches and organizations allows us to keep shopping AND fund an annual scholarship for a student to Richland Community College. After 22 years, we are pleased to send students into the classroom with what they need to succeed! When we work together, we can get things done for our community! The Write Stuff For Kids Inc. Helen Michelassi, Kathleen Frick, Tere Tedrick, Sharon Ijams, Kim Gibbons, Tina Baxter and Edith Brady-Lunny |